Egrensis Park
feasibility study - „reflected“ project containing revitalization area of the city Waldsassen DE
CZ, Cheb — 2001
urban planning
urban planning
investor, client
Město CHEBarchitect
Boris Redčenkov, Prokop Tomášek, Jaroslav Wertigproject detail
The study addresses a kind of no man's land, a terrain marked by the deportation of its original inhabitants and the construction of the Iron Curtain. Based on thorough analyses, the limits and problems are defined. Fully aware that the image of a landscape is the manifestation of the economic and social conditions prevalent within it, the design attempts to describe and summarise its attractive points and potential. It assumes that the chosen strategy will call forth an effect of synergy, and the connection of individual impulses lead to general cultivation. The goal is to integrate the territory not only in visual form but also in function with the landscape of adjoining Bavaria.