Poohří - urban revitalization
case study of relationship renewal between the city and the river
CZ — 2001
urban planning
urban planning
investor, client
Město CHEBarchitect
Boris Redčenkov, Prokop Tomášek, Jaroslav Wertigteam, collaboration
Bohuslav Blažek, Böhringer, Ivan Dejmal, Jana Kohlová, Roman Klimešproject detail
The theme of the study is the relation between the city and the river. The relation of a cultural and a natural phenomenon is marked with perhaps all the possible aspects of the urban crisis. Our analysis has revealed dysfunctional relations particularly in infrastructure, but the chief problem has appeared as the deformed picture of the land in the perceptions of its inhabitants. Consequently, the design offers, in addition to technical measures, a vision that should rehabilitate this image, and reveal its hidden potential. Appoint of the entrance is, in addition to the vision, the planning of concrete steps and ideas to be incorporated into the town's zoning plan.